CJ11 CJ12
The development is located in Cyberjaya consisting of CJ11 office block and CJ12 data centre block.
CJ11 was completed in 2024 and CJ12 is scheduled to be completed at the end of 2025.
Alor Suites is located next to Jalan Alor and accessible from Jalan Rembia,
‘Alor’ in Malay means a small stream and ‘Rembia’ in Malay is sago palm. We found that the site was literally next to the small stream which was lined with rembia in the olden days. We were not surprised as Jalan Rembia is parallel to Jalan Alor.
Hence, fluid lines (stream), thin straight lines (palm leaflets), colour and texture of stripped down Rembia trunks inspired our façade design. We want the building to capture the warmth that Rembia palms brought to Alor before.

DC2 is an expansion of existing office and data center blocks due to increased capacity.
It is a continuation and reinterpretation of existing building language and colour, in keeping with the entire campus outlook.
The orange data centers facade is covered with vertical louvres of varying shades, providing warm texture to the normally cold buildings. While the office block is a play of grey shades to distinguish it from the data centers.

We were inspired by the place which was a former oil palm plantation. We envisioned the building to be reminiscence of what the place was, originally.
The generating point of our inspiration was the oil palm leaves. We looked at how the fruit bunch is protected and held by the pinnate leaves.

The building is located at the arrival point for local and foreign tourists, we envisioned the building to be the introduction of our local architecture. We were inspired by the traditional Malay House as it is one of the richest components of Malaysia’s cultural heritage.
We explored the elements of Malay House and reinterpreted them into contemporary features for our design proposal. Visual interest of Malay House full-height window and door panels, walls, balustrades, air-vents and gable end were translated into our façade design.

It was a reinterpretation of the famous phrase “form follows function”.
We redefined the phrase into Skin follows Function, where different types of skin or building façade are designed to suit and envelope the programme within each quarter of the building – Semi-solid, solid and translucent skins.

Parkmar Niaga is a reinterpretation of local terrace shop typology. The allowance of deep land area at the back of each shop lot, making it the first 'landed terrace shop' in Malaysia.
We also explored the potential of the shops interior by providing double-volume space for usage flexibilty while creating a sense of airiness and levity.
Local readily available materials such as bricks are used in between glazing to create rhythmic vertical blocks fenestration to break the monotonous repetition of typical terrace shop.

BTS Cultural Walk is a street 'market' in between buildings.
As the site is located at the arrival point for local and foreign tourists, we envision the site to be the introduction of our local culture.
It is inspired by the traditional Malay house high ceiling, large open interiors with minimal partitions to encourage good natural cross ventilation throughout. Malay handicraft mengkuang weave is reinterpreted onto the arrangement of the canopy coloured panels and floor tiling pattern.